VeloBeam Bluetooth Radar Gun App screenshot

Display & Track
Stalker Radar Gun
Readings on Your Phone

Connect to Stalker Radar Gun with Bluetooth

Share links to Live Velo

Save Player Data

Velo Beam app screenshot

The Official VeloBeam Bluetooth Adapter

  • Compatible with Stalker 2 Sport Radar Gun serial port

  • Self powered with long lasting battery life

  • Connects to Velo Beam app to share live velos and save data

VeloBeam Bluetooth Radar Gun Adapter

Old Radar Gun
New Capabilities

Turn your Stalker Radar Gun into a data capture system with VeloBeam

Broadcast Live Velos

Share a link to velo live stream, display on your computer

Save, Track, Export Data

Save Velos with pitch type, location, plyoball weight, and more

Video Overlay (coming soon!)

Overlay live velo data on top of your video feed

Leaderboard (coming soon!)

View leaderboard of other player velos on VeloBeam

VeloBeam app interface showing real-time pitch velocity tracking